Natural maternity care

Your wishes and your personal family situation are always central to Kraamcentrum Echt e.o.

That is why 4 maternity nurses within our team have been trained for the Natural Maternity Care course. Natural maternity care focuses on the connection between body, soul and spirit. It is based on ideas from Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of anthroposophy. His views on the theory of elements, self-education and pure observation form the basis. With the help of these insights, the care for mother and child is refined.

A maternity nurse who has completed the Natural Maternity Care course will guide and support you in the daily care of you and your baby. She knows the importance of peace and regularity, good nutrition and a well-maintained household. The maternity nurse will involve the other children in her work and with the baby. She can help the other children to find their place in the family again. All this as you wish and in an atmosphere of peace and warmth!


A natural birth is promoted by an atmosphere of trust, peace and loving dedication. The maternity nurse combines this peace, quiet and loving treatment with professional and goal-oriented actions if necessary. family. All this as you wish and in an atmosphere of peace and warmth!

When caring for you as a maternity patient, peace and personal attention are important elements for recovery. The maternity nurse Natural maternity care from Kraamcentrum Echt e.o. specifically supports this peace by means of:

  • Her ability to be professional and helpful
  • Targeted nutritional advice. She can make various teas and dishes for you.
  • Attention for the individual. Together with you, she looks at signals from your child and teaches you to understand them.
  • Attention for warmth and envelopment.
  • Foot rub with a relaxing oil.
  • Use of chamomile. The herb chamomile provides relaxation, cleanses and harmonizes the air-water ratio.
  • This herb is used by the maternity nurse for chamomile rinsing after going to the toilet, chamomile ice compresses for hemorrhoids and burning stitches, and for intestinal cramps. The maternity nurse Natural maternity care can teach you how to make a chamomile oil abdominal compress for your baby.

In case of restlessness of your baby and to promote sleeping, the maternity nurse can teach you how to wrap your baby. The maternity nurse pays a lot of attention to warmth and envelopment.

She can teach you the safe use of hats, wraps, woolen clothing, hot water bottles and cotton diapers. You can also entrust the care of these delicate materials to our maternity nurse Natural maternity care, as well as the use of cotton diapers.

An important part of maternity care is guiding breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is an art that has to be learned. A learning process that takes an average of one to three weeks. An intimate process that requires trust, dedication, expertise and practicing together. The maternity nurse Natural maternity care finds these to be guiding elements in her work. If it is not possible for you to breastfeed, the maternity nurse will naturally guide you in feeding with formula. In case of problems with breastfeeding, natural remedies can be used to support you, such as:

  • the cottage cheese compress or heat compress for stuck milk, so that mastitis can be prevented
  • a special rubbing of the breasts with oil to support milk formation;
  • heat care.

Are you interested in Natural maternity care? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities. Send an email to or call 0475-851318 and ask for Kirsten.

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